The Orange Tree Samples Timer is a useful utility for composers and Kontakt script writers. It serves the basic purpose of keeping track of how much time you work. Included is an NKI which can be loaded into Kontakt and saved in your DAW, or even loaded into a script slot in Kontakt. The OTS Timer is handy because it will automatically load within your song or NKI project--no need to run external time recording software.

Download the OTS Timer here

The OTS Timer has a simple interface, but here is an explanation of the controls:

"Reset" - Resets the timer

"Start/Stop" - Starts and stops the timer. Bear in mind when using it as a script plugin that applying a script will interrupt the timer, so using the "auto" mode to update the timer is recommended in this circumstance.

"Auto" - Updates the timer according to how long the instance of Kontakt has been running.

Whenever you save your project in the DAW the timer will store its current time, to be recalled when the project is loaded again. The same goes for saving an NKI when using the timer as a script preset.

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